It's been a while since I have updated on here. I actually have my first show in over a year on Saturday May 22nd at the Boathouse in South Hadley, Mass. I will be playing a duo with Mike Rau who I haven't seen in quite some time and we are itching to play!
I have been doing some recording as of late. Mainly other peoples songs that need some guitar, and also my old band John Mayock and The Homesteaders have aligned once again and we are completing an album that we started way back in 2013. We drifted apart peacefully due to many incontrollable circumstances. The Pandemic has paved the way for us to complete the songs from the comfort of our own homes, and we hope to resume playing live again this year. Pretty exciting times as things slowly get back to normal. A few weeks ago I did a video as a tribute to my father who passed away in 2014. I have provided a link to it below. My brother and I played this together at his funeral and I haven't been able to bring myself to play it since. It was a favorite of my dads and he used to play it often. ​Hope you enjoy.
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